Announced via a statement on Twitter earlier today by Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs, the delay is to meet the “quality bar and ambitions” the publisher and developer have set for themselves. The delay wasn’t the first option considered, but it became the inevitable conclusion.
Fans of World of Darkness and the original Bloodlines may be disappointed to see Bloodlines 2 receding into the shadows a second time, but after so much waiting already, this is but a drop in the pool — and there’s no complaining about a finished product not wrought with bugs on and well-after release day.
No new release date or window was provided.
Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines is a widely-loved title despite its faults, though fans could probably all agree it would have been better without its minor issues, some that could have been squashed by a meager delay. If the team behind Bloodlines 2 needs more time to release the game in a state up to modern standards, it’s not a cause for complaint.