What are vegetablesBenefits of vegetablesVegetables that start with “C”

What are Vegetables?

When people hear the word “Vegetables” they automatically think of bitter green leaf-like food that their mothers force them to eat because it’s supposed good girl for their health, but what exactly are vegetables?

Vegetables are parts of plants that are edible and can be considered as good for both humans and animals. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked as part of the ingredients in preparing a meal. There are various types of Vegetables, there are getting from edible plant matters such as fruits, flowers, roots, stems, seeds, and leaves. 

What are the Benefits of Vegetables? 

Despite, its leaf-like unsavory taste, Vegetables are known to contain varieties of nutrients and therefore, have a significant part to play in human nutrition. 

Vegetables are low in fat and calories but high in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Most health experts have recommended that vegetables should be infused into one’s diet starting from an early age. (I guess now you know where our mothers got the idea from)

Although most people know that Vegetables are rich in nutrients, they still don’t get what the fuss is all about when it comes to eating Vegetables. Below are listed benefits of infusing vegetables in one’s diet;

Vegetables that contain Vitamin A keep the eyes and skin clear, hydrated, and healthy and also helps in fighting off infections.

Vegetables that produce folic acid help in building red blood cells.

Because Vegetables are low in calories and fat, as a diet, it helps to manage weight and maintain a healthy body.

Vegetables when eaten properly reduces cholesterol in the blood.

Vegetables that contain vitamin k help prevent heart diseases or heart complications.

Vegetables that are rich in potassium helps to maintain blood pressure.

Vegetables help in controlling diabetes because they are rich in Fiber.

Now that we know the benefits of Vegetables, let’s dig deeper into specific vegetables that provide these benefits.

Vegetables that start with the letter “C”


Cauliflower is a plant that belongs to the Brassica oleracea species. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins C and K, potassium, and many other nutrients.


Carrot is a root vegetable that comes from the Daucus carota species. It contains a high level of Vitamin A nutrients which aids with night vision and other nutrients such as potassium, vitamins C, B6, and K.


Cabbage is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the Brassica oleracea species. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and dietary fiber.


Celery is a marshland plant that belongs to the Apium graveolens species. It contains vitamin K, fiber, and potassium.


Also known as Garden cress or Curly cress belongs to the Lepidium sativum species. Cress contains carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, vitamin K, C, and A.


The cucumber is a creeping vine plant from the Cucumis sativus species. Although cucumbers are classified under botanical berries, there are often perceived as a vegetable. It contains vitamin K, carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. 


Also known as Melothria scabra is a tiny vine fruit that tastes like cucumber but a little sourer. It contains antioxidants such as lycopene and vitamins K, E, and C.


Also known as manioc, cassava is a woody shrub from the Manihot esculenta species. It is rich in carbohydrates, vitamin A, iron, potassium, zinc, and protein. Through cassava, other foods can be produced such as alcoholic beverages, farofa, and garri. 


Camassia is a type of asparagus originating from western North America. It belongs to the Camassia quamash species, it tastes like a baked sweet potato and if undercooked can cause too much farting because it contains inulin and oligosaccharides. It also contains fiber and iron.


It is a woody herbaceous plant front from the dandelion family. It belongs to the Cichorium intybus species. It can be used as a coffee substitute, sweetener, and food additive when it is baked, ground, or processed. It contains inulin, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, vitamins A, C, K, B, and E. chicory contains essential oils that can be used to make traditional medicine and remedies.


Also known as celery lettuce or Chinese lettuce. It is a stem vegetable popular in China and Taiwan. It can be eaten cooked or raw and it is high in vitamins such as vitamin A, B9, C and it also contains magnesium, manganese, potassium, and calcium.

Common Chickweed

Also known as chickenwort, maruns, or winterweed. It is a flowering plant that belongs to the Stellaria media species from the Stellaria genus. It is used as a leaf vegetable in raw salad and as an ingredient in the Japanese dish called Nanakusa no sekku. It is also used as food for birds and chickens. It is also used in herbal medicines and remedies. It contains significant levels of vitamins A, B, and C. it also contains toxic chemicals known as saponins, which are known to cause poisoning in cattle, although it requires a certain level of intake to cause death.

Corn Salad

Also known as Doucette or Raiponce, is a leaf vegetable that has a soft texture and is nutty, and is often served as a salad. It belongs to the Valerinella locusta from the Valerinella genus. It contains high levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin B6, iron, and potassium. 


Catsear is an edible herb that looks similar to dandelions and originated from Europe. The plant belongs to the Hypochaeris radicata species. All parts of the catsear which are also known as a flatweed are edible, except for the roots, although when roasted and grinded can form a coffee substitute. The leaves of a catsear contain fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Although catsear has proven to have medicinal benefits, it has also been suspected to contain some level of toxicity when consumed in excess such as stringhalt in horses.


Also known as chocho, chuchu, tayota or Choko is an edible plant popular in Latin American countries. It belongs to the Sechium edule species. All parts of the chayote are edible including the root, stem, seeds, and leaves. The roots are eaten like potatoes and the leaves are used in salads. The chayote is a good source of vitamin C and folate, it also contains carbohydrates, zinc, potassium, vitamins E and K.

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