My alarm started ringing, and I quickly stared at the clock. It was 7:00 am, and my legs were freezing as the ceramic tile was so cold. And I put on my slippers and went near the washbowl and brushed my teeth. Went to my kitchen, poured some milk in the cereals, and toasted two loaves of bread, and was rushing with my breakfast. All because I was waiting for one phone call!!

When dropping my eaten bowls and plates into the sink, my phone started ringing, and it was my buddy, Jessie. I received the call and told me to pick at the end of my lane. I got dressed and was waiting for Jessie at the spot, which I said. She came, and I got in the truck. We changed into our work costumes. Because we were running our Food Truck Business and we have to start early to travel lane by lane delivering food.

This is where I want you to know about the Vegetable “P.” The main food that we sell here is based on this “P” Vegetable. I hope you guys would have probably guessed it. Because it’s not only my favorite Veggie, and It’s all of our favorite Veggie. Guess what??

P_T_T_—–> I bet you have got it to know!

Well, it is our all-time favorite, “Potato.” Who else wouldn’t like Potato in this world? And I’m a big fan of those Veggies. Potatoes changed my working life, and it was the main reason for me to change my career and leverage my passion for cooking foods with Potatoes.

My mum and friends are fans of my kind of cooking. They appreciate my culinary skills, especially when I make mouth-watering dishes out of Potatoes. Every weekend I call out Jessie and my other friends and invite them for dinners and night stays. One fine day, Jessie started the conversation about cooking as a profession and getting started with the business. She was very fond of entrepreneurship and start-ups, and neither does I. But we initially invested a little amount of money hiring a midsize truck, and we had some designers who helped our Truck change to a shiny Cinderella carriage, where they finely refurbished the whole truck with some food designs and stickers of Potato pictures over it.

Jessie and I completed the initial mobile office, which was our truck. We started collecting all the kitchen equipment to fix them with the oven, griddle, small refrigerator, washing station, fryers, sprinklers, etc. We fixed the cooking requirements and had some contacts with the vegetable vendors at the marketplace. They were selling the main vegetables like Potato, Tomato, Onions, and other secondary vegetables. Also, we had a good relationship with the other spice shops and were collecting the spice bags as per the requirement of our customer’s food consumption.

Initially, we were quite puzzled about the menu for the food we offered and ensured that we must give all the different potato dishes. Not the usual food where people get from the quick bite shops. We planned to deliver at least 75 varieties of the dishes using potatoes, and we designed the menu ranging from french fries to creamy potato soup. So, all of the main dishes are made using potato, and it was our destination category for offering food.

Our main menu was:

Cheese-Mayo French Toast(Best-Seller food)Roasted Garlic Potato MashWaffled-Potato with Fresh BroccoliMixed spicy Potato SaladBaked-Pork with Mashed Potato Bell-Pepper Potato SandwichSweet-Potato Toast Soup with ParsleyDouble-Roasted Potato Pancakes with Honey SyrupBaked Sweet Potato with Maple SyrupChilly Potato Balls with Baby-Corn Soup

These were some of the top-selling Potato dishes and sold in our food trucks. Customers also started liking our Potato recipes as we sell them at affordable prices. Often kids and Gen-Z categories of customers jump into our truck to taste our delicious food. At times during our weekend selling, it will be so crowded at some picnic spots, and people crave to get all our Potato dishes.

Craft Techniques with Potatoes

I had a habit of using vegetables for painting various pictures in my craft notebook. It is simple to make some stamps using potatoes. I’ll use a knife to cut them according to the favorite stamp that I need. For Example, I draw some shapes of the flower petals and cut the shapes using a knife, and shape them like a potato stamp.

You can make colorful designs using those stamps, and for whatever design you want to make, use this potato stamp to keep it handy.

Even in my Truck Design, I’ve used some of the Potato stamps for printing it in the Tablecloth when serving food for the people so that the essence of our business remains relevant and looks attractive and interesting too.

As I told you, I’ll share one of my favorite snacks that I used to sell in our food truck, and it’s also the most popular selling Potato snack loved by our customers.

Potato Recipe Part 1

Stuffed Mashed – Potato and Cheese Chicken Fry

This is one popular dish that is sold frequently in our shop, and I’m that you try this in our home and serve it to your loved ones.


All-Purpose Flour (500 gm)Potato (4 in no’s), Chicken (Breast Pieces, 4 in no’s), Edible oil (Soya oil), Cheddar Cheese (Grated, 450 gms), Parsley (few in no’s), Pepper (2 Teaspoon)and Salt (few in no’s)


Pour some amount of water to immerse all your potatoes in a big bowl and keep it on a medium flame for 20 mins. After 20 mins you take a spoon and poke it to check the potato has passed the consistency for further mashing it and stuffing it with chicken and cheese. Now in a bowl, add the all-purpose flour and add some water to knead the flour so that it is soft for creating pieces of the square. The square pieces must be made like a pocket sticking two square pieces and leaving the top open to stuff the main ingredient. Now take the chicken breast to marinate with the Soya oil, and Sprinkle some Pepper, Parsley on it and keep it inside the oven at 350 F. Take out the chicken from the oven and keep it on a plate to let it cool. Then take a sharp knife to slice the chicken into pieces so that it can be stuffed inside the dual packed square pieces which we made(will look like a packet, opening the top of the packed flour bags)It is time for us to stuff our mashed potatoes, sliced chicken breast, and the grated cheese by mixing them all together and packing them inside those squared-pockets, and arranging them on a plate. In a big frying pan, pour some oil and heat in a high flame, start frying the stuffed pockets into the hot oil and take out until it comes to golden brown color, which is the right stage for getting the crispy mashed-potato and cheesy chicken fry.

I’ll tell you the exact moment when you get relished tasting this snack. It is when you break the crispy pockets into two pieces. The sticky cheese comes out like white thread in such a way along with other spices generating aroma all over your nose. You almost get filled in joy eating all the pockets and start filling your hungry tummy.

The taste of the potato is the main notion for every food industry to produce potato-based food for the customers. In that matter, it is important to choose what kind of potato you are using to make some nice dish out of it. The reality is, there are a variety of potatoes you come across, giving you different tastes. We will see what the different types of potatoes used in the Food Industry and how it is cooked for various dishes are. Along the side, this study which I made for my business helped me to choose the right choice of potato when cooking for various dishes.

Types of Potatoes

Here is what you all need to know. Based upon genetic variation of the growth of potatoes in various regions, it resulted in a growing variety of colors that taste differently. There are three variations of food potatoes that are used in cooking potatoes for three purposes.

Starched Potatoes 

These potatoes produce various starch when it is canned or boiled. There are four varieties of potatoes under this starch-giving set. 

Russet Potato These are golden-brown in color, having some patches of brown color, and are used for most of the fries in many shops. They are mostly used in baking, doing good fries, and some mashed items. Jewel Yam Potato These potatoes are said to contain orange flesh, and it is actually a sweet potato, where it is found in the market as sweet potatoes. It is used for baking and roasting. Japanese Sweet Potato It contains rich antioxidants that are one-way up compared to regular potatoes. It rejuvenated the skin and high in nutritious value. They vary from pink to purple skin with white flesh. It is sweet-flavored and can be grilled, baked, or steamed.  Hannah Sweet Potato These Hannah potatoes are light-skinned and have a mild sweetness. These potatoes are much similar to the Jewel Potatoes and grown in a warm temperature region.  

Slick Potatoes 

These variants of potatoes have a little amount of starch to produce when canning and cannot be mashed properly. Under these, there are six types of potatoes listed.

These are golden-brown in color, having some patches of brown color, and are used for most of the fries in many shops. They are mostly used in baking, doing good fries, and some mashed items.

These potatoes are said to contain orange flesh, and it is actually a sweet potato, where it is found in the market as sweet potatoes. It is used for baking and roasting.

It contains rich antioxidants that are one-way up compared to regular potatoes. It rejuvenated the skin and high in nutritious value. They vary from pink to purple skin with white flesh. It is sweet-flavored and can be grilled, baked, or steamed.  

These Hannah potatoes are light-skinned and have a mild sweetness. These potatoes are much similar to the Jewel Potatoes and grown in a warm temperature region.  

LaRette This type of potato is shapeless and differs from small to medium size. These are said to have strong, nutty, waxy, and silky attributes. These are best when roasted or boiled on the whole. It will be a great ingredient for making salads. Rose Finn Apple These are rose-brown colored potatoes, and it is an heirloom fingerling with fine yellow flesh and buttery toned. It tasted great when boiled, grilled, and sauteed. Russian Banana These are in the shapes of bananas that are long and sleek in structure. It is a butter-yellow toned which has thick yellow flesh and is often used in grilling, sauteing, frying, or even roasting as a whole, and similar to Rose Finn, these are used for making salads. Red Thumb These potatoes are dark-pink in color, and it has a mix of pink and white flesh inside the skin. It can be roasted with bacon, pork, or chicken and blended with some honey-sugar syrup over it. This goes very well in roasting thick, fleshed meat. These are some tasty potatoes available only in a few of the restaurants. French Fingerling These have rich rose-pink as the outer layer and have a thick yellow flesh inside them. This heirloom fingerling has smooth skin and is creamy in its inner texture. These have some pink rings on the flesh region, and it is a great roasting item to cook various roastings. Austrian Crescent These are brownish-yellow in color, and the inner flesh is yellow. These have rich-smooth skin such that it is in many of the salad-making dishes. Hence used as boiling, steaming, and roasting potatoes.

All-Purpose Potato 

These are a mix of both starched wells as non-starched potatoes. As it names, it serves for all the variety of dishes by cooking such potatoes. Under this variation, there are six types of potatoes classified:

This type of potato is shapeless and differs from small to medium size. These are said to have strong, nutty, waxy, and silky attributes. These are best when roasted or boiled on the whole. It will be a great ingredient for making salads.

These are rose-brown colored potatoes, and it is an heirloom fingerling with fine yellow flesh and buttery toned. It tasted great when boiled, grilled, and sauteed.

These are in the shapes of bananas that are long and sleek in structure. It is a butter-yellow toned which has thick yellow flesh and is often used in grilling, sauteing, frying, or even roasting as a whole, and similar to Rose Finn, these are used for making salads.

These potatoes are dark-pink in color, and it has a mix of pink and white flesh inside the skin. It can be roasted with bacon, pork, or chicken and blended with some honey-sugar syrup over it. This goes very well in roasting thick, fleshed meat. These are some tasty potatoes available only in a few of the restaurants.

These have rich rose-pink as the outer layer and have a thick yellow flesh inside them. This heirloom fingerling has smooth skin and is creamy in its inner texture. These have some pink rings on the flesh region, and it is a great roasting item to cook various roastings.

These are brownish-yellow in color, and the inner flesh is yellow. These have rich-smooth skin such that it is in many of the salad-making dishes. Hence used as boiling, steaming, and roasting potatoes.

 Blue Potato These are also called Purple Potato’s name, as its skin goes by dark blue color and flesh is purple in color. It looks a little dry, and it holds the shape very well. It can be used for baking, steaming, and for making salads. It is sprinkled with any edible oil and marinated with butter. Red Gold As its name goes, this potato’s color is reddish-yellow, and the flesh is golden yellow in color. The texture is smooth and boisterous, and the flavor is sweet. They are used for baking, broiling, roasting and can be mashed to cook the dish. Purple Majesty These are again similar to the Blue Potato, but the color of these potatoes is rich, and the flesh of the potato here is dark purple. It has a high moisture content, and these are also high in antioxidants and are best for roasting, baking, and for making colorful potato salad. These are chefs’ best choices for making juicy soups and salads. Yukon Gold These are spotless golden-colored potatoes that have creamy flesh inside the skin and can be used in boiling, mashing, frying, etc. roasted garlic mixed with this mashed version gives an exquisite taste and good for health as well. Norland Red These are apple red in color and butter yellow flesh. Most popularly called the early growers because it quickly grows based on some season. These are good for making salads, used for frying crispy potato chips or french fries, not good for baking as dishes. Kennebec This is said to have a tan yellow with white flesh inside it. Most of the dishes like salads, french fries, potato chips, vegetable stews, meat stews, potato curry, and soups go well with this potato. It can also go well with the pancakes, where they hold good with consistent shapes.

These are some of the different kinds of potatoes that came across through my study, and I often use my food business. 

These are also called Purple Potato’s name, as its skin goes by dark blue color and flesh is purple in color. It looks a little dry, and it holds the shape very well. It can be used for baking, steaming, and for making salads. It is sprinkled with any edible oil and marinated with butter.

As its name goes, this potato’s color is reddish-yellow, and the flesh is golden yellow in color. The texture is smooth and boisterous, and the flavor is sweet. They are used for baking, broiling, roasting and can be mashed to cook the dish.

These are again similar to the Blue Potato, but the color of these potatoes is rich, and the flesh of the potato here is dark purple. It has a high moisture content, and these are also high in antioxidants and are best for roasting, baking, and for making colorful potato salad. These are chefs’ best choices for making juicy soups and salads.

These are spotless golden-colored potatoes that have creamy flesh inside the skin and can be used in boiling, mashing, frying, etc. roasted garlic mixed with this mashed version gives an exquisite taste and good for health as well.

These are apple red in color and butter yellow flesh. Most popularly called the early growers because it quickly grows based on some season. These are good for making salads, used for frying crispy potato chips or french fries, not good for baking as dishes.

This is said to have a tan yellow with white flesh inside it. Most of the dishes like salads, french fries, potato chips, vegetable stews, meat stews, potato curry, and soups go well with this potato. It can also go well with the pancakes, where they hold good with consistent shapes.

Here we move on to the next recipe based on the sweet potatoes that makes you have an extra plate!

Potato Recipe Part 2

Choco-Jewel Cake with Honey Syrup


Chocolate Bar(3 Big bars), Jewel Yam(4 in no’s), Sugar(2 cups for Cake), Butter(1 Cube), Honey(5 Teaspoon), Lemon Juice(2 Teaspoon), Water(As per requirement)


Chocolate Jewel Cake

Take a bowl and add the Chocolate bars breaking them into pieces. The steaming process for melting the chocolate is for 13-15 minutes max and after that, check for the lumps so that it does not affect the dish. Do the whole process in medium heat. Now boil the potatoes in hot water, so that it becomes soft for mashing it. So use poking with a spoon to check whether the flesh becomes softer. Take the cake mold and apply the butter or use butter paper so that the cake is not shattered. Now mix all the Melted chocolate, mashed potatoes together and add the sugar to it. Now the cake paste is ready to go into the mold, Fix 350 F in the oven and place your cake to get baked well.

Making of Honey Syrup

Now Mix Honey, Water, Lemon juice in a wide pan and saute it until it becomes sticky. After the Honey reaches its consistency, pour it onto a cup and wait for the Baked cake.

Finally, keep the cake on the plate and pour the Honey Syrup onto it. What’s next??

Slice into pieces and try it. Such a delicious and nutritious dish, especially the added benefits of potatoes in it.


I’m so elated that you have gone through my Food Truck Business and how potato creates its magic in various dishes that pull customers to the shop. To add a final note, try out the dishes that I have shared with you and use different potatoes to change your recipe and find what new taste it gives. Meet you all with another article.