If you mistakenly send a payment to a Venmo account that doesn’t exist, you can go on the Venmo app to reverse your payment and get your money back. Still, if you sent it to a valid account, Venmo advises that you send a refund request to the receiver’s account and wait for your money to be sent back on the receiver’s benevolence. Where you don’t get a return of your money, you can ask for assistance from Venom’s Customer Support team, who will assist you in getting your money back the best way they can.
In this article, you’ll understand how you can get a refund on wrong payments from Venmo.
How to get a refund on a payment made to a nonexistent Venmo account
If you mistakenly transfer money to a Venmo account that doesn’t exist, say you put in a wrong ID detail of the intended recipient due to hurrying, your money will float around in the Venmo app until it is restored or redeemed back. You can get your payment returned to the source you used to make the payment in the following steps.
Go to the Venmo app and sign in to your account.
Go to the menu options by clicking on the 3 parallel bars on the top right corner of your screen.
Click on “incomplete” to be redirected to the tab where you can access pending or invalid payments. On this tab, you will find your payment under “Payments,” which will most likely be reflected as “pending.”
Click “take back” on the payment you want to undo.
After doing everything in the steps above, you should receive a return of your payment back to the source used to make such a payment, be it your bank account or your Venmo account balance.
How to get a refund on an unintended payment made to a Venmo account
Making an unintended payment is more common on an app like Venmo. It could be a payment made to the wrong recipient or a payment made for a product that didn’t meet up to the said requirements. If you find yourself in such a situation, your options would be to leave the money for the recipient or demand a refund on your payment.
Immediately you send money to a valid Venmo account, it will automatically go to the Venmo balance of the recipient and cannot be cancelled or stopped afterward. You are, therefore, advised to send a refund request to the receiver’s account, as the money sent to their account is now in their possession and control.
The process of requesting a refund from a receiver’s account is as follows:
Sign in to your Venmo account on the Venmo app
Click the “Request” or “Pay” button on the home page below your screen.
In the space provided, write in the username of the recipient account from which you want to request a refund.
Write the exact amount sent to the recipient in the space provided.
Explain, with a note, your case to the person concerning the money sent to them and that you’d like the money refunded.
Click on the “Request” button, which will take you to a tab/page where you’ll see a message prompting you to confirm your request.
Click on the message to confirm your request and wait for a response from the recipient.
You can also send a reminder to remind the person you sent a request to from time to time.
You can do this by following the steps below:
Go to the menu options by clicking on the 3 parallel bars on the top right corner of your screen.
Click on “incomplete” to be redirected to the tab where you will find your pending requests under “Requests.”
Click on “Remind” under that specific request sent, after which the “Remind” button will change to “Reminded .”This is to show that the person has successfully been reminded of your request for a refund.
If you still don’t hear or receive anything from the person, you can contact Venmo Customer Support to assist you further.
You can reach out to the Venmo Customer Support by following the process below:
Go to the menu options by clicking on the 3 parallel bars on the top right corner of your screen.
Click on “Get Help,” which is the last option displayed on the menu.
You can choose to click on either “Email Us,” “Contact Us,” or “Chat With Us” to communicate with the Customer Support team.
You’ll be required to present information on the reason for your request, the amount and date of the transaction, and the recipient’s name, from the Customer Support team.
It is best to be safe to prevent any inconvenience from seeking a refund from Venmo. You should properly check the details of every transaction you make on the app to ensure you are not making any mistakes. In a situation where you couldn’t prevent making a mistake, you can go on Venmo to request a refund directly from the receiver of your payment or mediated by Venmo’s Customer Support.
Venmo refunds take how long?
Venmo refunds take about 1 to 5 business days to reflect your Venmo account balance
Does Venmo give purchase protection?
No, Venmo doesn’t give purchase protection to buyers or sellers for transactions done with the Venmo website or app.