Complaints about Verizon have surged in the last few years with reports suggesting that about 23724 complaints were filed against the company in the Better Business Bureau in just 3 years. The issue got worse following the introduction of Verizon Fios which led to a lot of users ending their subscriptions with the company.

However, the company is swift to resolve the issues of complaints and has provided its users with several ways of lounging complaints or filing a complaint if they are not satisfied with its services. We will look into some of the commonest complaints lodged against Verizon Wireless and then show you how to lodge a complaint against the company.

Common complaints Against Verizon

The following are some of the commonest complaints Verizon users have lounged against the company in the last few years:

Poor network coverage

The introduction of Verizon Fios has been more of a disaster for the company as a lot of people unsubscribed from its services due to the poor network coverage of the Verizon Fios devices. At the moment, the company is considering stopping the sales of Fios devices to improve its services and also to focus more on its 5G network coverage.

Inappropriate bills (overcharged bills)

You have to be careful before you lounged complaints on this issue as you might have also miscalculated your bills. However, if you are certain that you have been overcharged by the company then you can lounge a complaint but since it is quite common; it means that Verizon does it.

Exaggerated promotions

There were complaints about the company using its advertisements to lure people to use or buy their poor products and services; only for them to find out that they are mere exaggerations.

Inactive customers care service

This last common complaint is the most significant in the article as this kills the hope of many complainers to get a lasting solution to their issues. Nonetheless, you can now lounge a complaint and get an immediate response from the company using any of the described methods in the next section.

How To Lodge A Complaint Against Verizon

In response to the numerous complaints against Verizon, these are the now available methods to get an immediate solution to issues with Verizon services:

Use the Contact Us page on its website

The fastest way of lounging a complaint against Verizon is through the Contact Us page on the company’s website. Once you click on the button on the website, you will be prompted to input your contact information such as phone number and email address and also to describe the issues you are facing with its services.

Your submitted complaint will be investigated by the company and you should receive a solution or notice an improvement soon.

Speak directly to a representative

You can also contact the company’s Customer Support Centre through the dedicated hotlines that will be listed below depending on the issues you are experiencing :

Mobile complaints: 1-800-922-0204Home complaints such as Internet, TV, phone service, hotspot, etc: 1-800-837-49665G Home Internet Complaints: 1-844-687-78855G Service and Support- 1-800-922-0204

A representative of Verizon should attend to you and lead you on how to resolve the issue if you can in your home; otherwise, your details would be collected for further investigation.

Visit a Verizon Store

If your efforts to contact the company through e-mail and phone have been futile, you can also visit a nearby Verizon store to make a complaint. Your issues should be resolved before you leave the store in most cases or done within some hours after you might have left.

File a complaint in court

Although the company has made efforts to enhance its customer service, if you are not satisfied with the solution provided by the company then you can move to file a complaint against them in court.

Visit the closest court in your area and provide the clerk with the full details of what had happened and how the company handled your situation. You might need to submit your details and evidence that you lounged a complaint about the issue with Verizon. It is even easier to do this if you can get a lawyer to handle the case on your behalf.

When Should I Contact Verizon?

You can contact Verizon for issues with the products and services of the company through its Technical Support Hotline which is available 24 hours daily. Therefore, there are no restrictions or specific periods you should contact the company to lounge a complaint.

The technical hotline of Verizon is 1-800-837-4966.

People will always encounter issues with network providers due to constant maintenance and upgrade of communication networks. However, whenever there is a complaint lounged, such a complainer should get a befitting response or an immediate solution to the issue at hand.

If you have any issue as a Verizon user, you should be able to lounge a complaint instantly through any of the recommended methods for a solution to be provided to you by Verizon. However, you should also endeavour to exercise some patience and give the company enough time to resolve your issues.

Can I charge Verizon if my complaints are not resolved?

Yes, you can file a complaint against the company in court if your complaints are not resolved and they will be invited for a trial.

How do I give feedback to Verizon?

You can provide feedback to Verizon through the Contact Us page on its website or call any of the company’s hotlines that can be found on the company’s website.

Does Verizon have a customer retention department?

No, Verizon does not have a customer retention department currently but the Customer Care Support of the company should be enough to resolve any issues you have with their products and services.