If you are having problems with your Verizon cable or Verizon (internet service). Then, you may use this list of typical Verizon Fios issues and solutions to resolve them without calling for assistance.

Why is my Verizon Fios showing an internet connection, but I cannot access the internet? 

You can’t access the internet even if your Verizon FiOS wireless network seems to be working properly. We have several troubleshooting steps listed here that you can try before calling customer service.

If you take these easy steps, you might be able to solve your problem in a couple of minutes.

Step 1: Power cycle your router

The majority of Verizon customers’ internet problems can be resolved by restarting their router. Make sure you unplug your router from the power supply or, if it has one, hit the power button. Plug it back in or turn it off after waiting for the gadget to turn on. It is preferable to give the router at least a minute to switch on before making an effort to connect to the internet. 

Step 2: Scan your device for malware 

Your computer’s potential infection with viruses and malware is another frequent cause of issues with internet connections. These kinds of malware might make your entire computer run slowly and degrade your internet connection.

Because of this, you should run your antivirus program to check for and get rid of any potential malware on your computer. You might also set up the Verizon Internet Security Suite as an alternative. You can use the tool to help you clean the computer of any viruses or unwanted programs.

Step 3: Check your router for obstructions

If your wireless signal is weakened by disturbances in your environment, it may deteriorate further or stop altogether. Large pieces of furniture or Bluetooth devices might cause these kinds of interruptions. Therefore, clearing any barriers between your computer or mobile device and the router should be the next step in mending your connection. The router also should not be put in a corner of the room or on the floor. As we previously said, Bluetooth devices may also degrade the wireless signal and interfere with the internet connection. It is therefore advised that you turn off each of these devices before attempting to reconnect to the internet.

Step 4: Factory reset your modem/router

You might have fiddled with the router’s settings at some point and misconfigured something, which is why you don’t currently have an internet connection. The only thing you can do in that situation is to do a factory reset on the router to restore it to its default settings.

By pushing the reset button on the router, you can accomplish that. You should use a pin, needle, or pen to insert it into the reset hole because you won’t be able to accomplish that with your finger. The router’s lights will begin to flicker, signaling that the reset procedure has started. The gadget should ideally have five minutes to properly reset. The Ethernet cable should then be used. The PC should get one end, and the router should receive the other. 

Step 5: Look for any device that may be eating up the bandwidth

An excessive amount of bandwidth might hinder or even completely stop your internet connection. By refraining from streaming numerous videos at once, this issue can be fixed. Avoid playing games online and downloading huge files. Your connection may be hampered by these actions. Therefore, after stopping these actions, you should quickly reestablish your connection.

Step 6: Examine the Battery Backup Unit for issues

The Battery Back-up Unit, also known as BBU according to Verizon, is a crucial component of your Optical Network Terminal. Your internet connection may be interrupted by a variety of BBU problems. For this reason, make sure everything is plugged in correctly and operating faultlessly.

To begin with, make sure the BBU’s power cord is firmly connected to the AC socket. The outlet where the BBU is inserted must then be checked. The reset switch, if one is included, might have been tripped. Recheck the connection after pressing the reset button. As you won’t have electricity if the fuse or circuit breaker is in good shape, it is advisable to examine their condition as well. 


As you can see, the solution to your no internet problem might just take you a few minutes to complete. Contact Verizon customer support right away if you followed all of our instructions but your internet connection is still down.