What’s Verizon PIN transfer?

It is a common human habit to easily get bored by a day-in-day-out activity, it is not surprising that one may even get bored with the communication carrier they are using. 

Additionally, one may have some issues with a carrier service and therefore may decide to opt out to another alternative. 

When it comes to opting out of Verizon wireless service one has to request a transfer PIN issued by Verizon. The request however has to be made before the start of the porting-out process (porting-out in this case is the process of changing your carrier from Verizon to another carrier, AT&T maybe). 

What are the pre-requisites before porting out?

To begin the porting process, one requires the transfer PIN and the account number. It is, however, significant to keep your Verizon line connected before the completion of the number process otherwise one may risk losing his number.

Upon the completion of the porting out process, the new carrier will give a contact to Verizon wireless to begin the port out process, and at that point, your Verizon line will be disconnected. 

What is the process of acquiring a Verizon transfer PIN?

The process of acquiring Verizon’s transfer PIN is easy peasy! You can complete the process using your phone or online from any smart device. 

To successfully request a Verizon transfer PIN, however, requires that you be the account manager of the line requesting a port out.

To request the transfer PIN using a smartphone, one needs to type #PORT in the device’s browser thereafter the browser will redirect the request to the PIN transfer website.  Another option is to use my Verizon application on your smartphone, the application will process the request and redirect you to the desired transfer PIN website. The final option is to use a computer by logging on to the Verizon website and clicking onto generate pin, upon clicking generate pin, you will be able to see the account number and the transfer pin displayed on the screen.

Caution! The pin generated is only valid for 1 week and therefore once generated the porting out process should be started immediately to avoid the inconveniences of losing the pin due to expiry.

Does the transfer pin apply to those subscribed to Verizon prepaid?

For customers who are operating their devices under the Verizon prepaid services, the transfer pin is not necessary, instead of the transfer pin, a four-digit account pin will be required to aid the process of opting out from Verizon wireless.

Depending on which carrier an individual is migrating the four-digit account number for the Verizon prepaid users will always represent their transfer PIN. Just like the postpaid subscribers, the prepaid transfer pins are also valid for a week and therefore the earlier one begins the porting process the better. 

Does the Verizon transfer pin come at a cost?

A Verizon customer wanting to opt out of the wireless service should not expect to pay any penny, the process is free for both the postpaid and prepaid members. 

The catch comes in when one had earlier signed a contract with Verizon and is wanting to opt out of Verizon before the end of the contract, this will attract penalties categorized under early termination. 

How much do the early termination fees cost?

The amount of the termination is dependent on the amount of time remaining on your Verizon contract, the early termination can be as much as 350 bucks or even more. If one is nearing the end of their contract then the termination fee will be generally smaller compared to those whose contract is not anywhere close to reaching its end.

Do one have to unlike the connected devices before porting out of Verizon? 

Before the process of switching to another carrier is done one needs to disconnect all the devices linked with the Verizon line and all the subscribed products. These would ensure that such products as no longer charged for by Verizon, this includes linked smartwatches, hotspots devices, and tablets. 

Do I need a Verizon transfer pin when trading my phone?

The answer is yes! Before you head off to sell your Verizon device, one needs to request the transfer pin to ensure a smooth transfer from the owner to the new owner.

Can a corporate organization port out of Verizon?

It is not the only individual who may want to opt out of a service like Verizon, even corporate organizations may decide to opt out of Verizon wireless services. 

For corporates to opt out, the first requirement is the account number from the employer, then the employer will have to contact Verizon requesting them to change the phone to auto-port before the process. Finally, one will use the transfer pin 0000 to complete the process.


The Verizon transfer pin is however not available for all Verizon users, it only applies to the Verizon regular plans but not for prepaid and business phones, however, this category will require the four-digit account pin to transfer their number to another carrier service. 

Q: Do I require Verizon pin to opt out of its services?

Yes. The pin applies to any Verizon user who want to transfer from Verizon wireless. 

Q: How long does the transfer supposed to last for?

The transfer takes between 4 and 24 hours.