Comcast is also the parent company of NBCUniversal and produces films for theaters and cable television under its name. The company also owns Xfinity as one of its brands and operates cable communications under Xfinity’s name.

The Better One

As content and cable consumer, you might want to know if Verizon beats Comcast or the other way round. Both the companies are one of the best options at what they do. However, the answer to whether Comcast is better than Verizon or Verizon is better than Comcast lies in what is your criterion.

One might offer better quality, whereas others would not lower the services. The answer lies with what you prefer. To know which one is better at what, continue reading the article as we will be taking a deep dive into their pricing schemes, customer satisfaction level, and quality.

Prices and quality for what you buy are always an obvious concern for the consumer. Are you getting what you are paying? Are you getting less than what the competitor offers at the same price? It is highly likely and righteous of you to think about these questions if you are paying for them.

Here we will compare the prices and quality of the primary services that both the companies offer. In other words, the price comparison here is for FiOS and Internet that Verizon and Comcast offer, respectively.

Better Pricing

Subscription Plans for Verizon FiOS can be anything from a $39.99 connection to as high as $89.99 price. The cheapest one offers a 300 Mbps speed and can cost you $39.99 monthly. The second one shows 500 Mbps and has a price of $64.99 per month. The last and one, a Gigabit connection offering 1Gbps speed, is priced at $89.99 per month.

Comcast’s Xfinity plans can range from $29.99 to $79.99. The cheapest Xfinity plan offers a 200 Mbps speed at $29.99. The second one offers a 400 Mbps speed and is priced at $39.99. The costliest and the best one offers more speed than a Gigabit that is 1,200 Mbps and can cost you $79.99

So undoubtedly, Xfinity has lower prices and better speeds. However, does Xfinity stay on its words and provide the same speed as promised? Read on to find out.

Better Quality

As mentioned, Verizon offers more speed at a lower price for smaller plans, but both provide the best quality. On paper, anything can be written, but the results show up when you test the products. So, now let us talk about what speeds both of them offer.

Verizon guarantees the speed they offer, and most of the customer reviews also share the same opinion. The speed that Verizon mentions with their plans is what their customers receive.

However, Xfinity (Comcast) states on their official website that the speed they mention next to their plans is not something they take a guarantee for, and there might be some cases where users might not achieve the promised speed. However, the customers of Xfinity say that there is barely any time where they did not reach the promised speed and are happy with Xfinity’s service.

Benefits you get with the plans

Some readers might think there might be some catch in what the companies offer, maybe less upload speed, or the others might be offering additional services. So let us look at what you get with each of the plans.

Verizon’s cheapest plan offers you 300 Mbps download speed. AMC+ 12 months, Disney+ 12 months, and a $50 Gift Card, The second offer everything identical with the added benefits, a $100 Gift Card and 500 Mbps speed. The most exclusive plan provides 940 Mbps of speed with everything similar to the last and a $200 Gift Card. (You will have to pay a $99.99 fee for internet installation)

Xfinity’s Cheapest plan provides a 200 Mbps speed and a free installation kit. The second one offers a 400 Mbps speed with a free installation kit. The most exclusive Xfinity plan includes 1200 Mbps speed, a free installation kit, and a $200 Visa Prepaid Card!


In the end, we can conclude that Xfinity has better prices and more speeds as compared to Verizon. However, Xfinity does not guarantee internet speeds and states that users might have to face slow speed in some cases. You can still contact Xfinity if you are facing any problem with your internet speed, and they will surely help you figure out the problem.

Q1 Is Verizon costlier than Xfinity?

Verizon can surely cost you more than Xfinity does.

Q2 Does Verizon offer better Quality than Xfinity?

That cannot be said that Verizon offers better Quality than Xfinity. Both the providers cover a large area and still provide the highest speeds. However, Xfinity is cheaper than Verizon and can be a better option.