
The default for viewing webpage source code in Firefox means having an extra window open every time. Once in a while is not so bad, but if you are looking at a lot of code then all of those windows are definitely going to create havoc (not good!). Time to do something about that…


Once you have installed the extension and restarted Firefox, you should take a quick look at the options. Notice that you can revert back to external window viewing (if needed for some reason), keep the default and have source code display in tabs, or if you desire you can use an external application (choice is good!).

Note: You can also have Firefox open webpage source code in an external app using this about:config tweak.


Time to see how things look…

Beautiful! The original webpage and the source code side-by-side in the same window.


The Source Viewer Tab extension helps you stay better organized while viewing source code for a webpage, and keeps the number of windows to a minimum.


Download the Source Viewer Tab extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the Source Viewer Tab extension (Extension Homepage)