In a road rage incident that happened near Northwest 151st Street, at 7 a.m. on the 21st of June, the year 2021, Eric Popper and another driver were engaged in a gunfire incident where both parties fired bullets several times at each other’s cars. Later, they both pulled out of their cars and called 911. After that, a case was fought in the court to find the one that fired the first bullet. 

When questioned, both parties clarified their side of the matter claiming this was an act of self-defense and accusing the other of shooting first. 

So, who was in the wrong here? 

Video footage of Eric Popper’s car was proved as evidence by his attorney. In the video, a loud voice can be heard, and after that, Eric Popper was caught pulling out a gun in his car and got recorded on the dash cam. Eventually, he believed the sound of a water bottle hitting his car was a gunshot and started firing. Later, he turned himself to the police in the court. 

Role of dash cam in such situations 

How does having a dash cam help in cases of aggressive driving? 

A dash cam would record the rude behavior of the driver. It comes in handy when the victim reports him.  Police can use the footage in a dash cam as proof against the aggressive driver.  If your car gets in an accident due to an incident with an aggressive driver, you can easily claim insurance using dash cam footage.  A dash cam also reduces the possibility of any road rage cases. Because the drivers won’t be willing to do something if they know that they’re being recorded.

Why do aggressive driver videos go viral? 

You can find many dash cam videos going viral on the internet. Most of them show the rude behavior of drivers, or someone getting scammed by them. Why are these videos so popular? There are a few psychological reasons for that. 

People tend to see the things that are related to their safety. If someone often travels by Uber or Taxis, then they might be concerned for their security. Crimes from taxis have increased that had made people concerned for their safety.   It gives an idea to people what to do if such a situation arrives when you confront an aggressive driver.  

How often do these incidents get captured? 

The number of viral videos projecting aggressive or rude drivers, or scams may have you wondering how often these incidents happen. 

A report by the American Psychology Association claims that about 50% of drivers respond to the rude behavior of other aggressive drivers. 

Another report by Auto Voyage Club showed that about 37% of aggressive driver incidents involved gunfire. 

This is not just a problem in the US, even around the world, more than half of the accidents happen due to aggressive drivers. 


The increase in dash cam videos about aggressive driving shows that there is a great rise in such crimes. But you shouldn’t get scared by these videos. There is a plus point about such viral videos; they give you an understanding of the situation. They also press on the fact that having a dash cam in your car can be handy in such cases. So, the next time you see another viral video about road rage, then make sure to learn something from it. 

How many drivers suffered from road rage in the past year? 

More than 80% of drivers have accepted that they drove aggressively at least once in the past year. About 41% of the drivers have claimed that they shouted at other drivers or passengers a few times. 

In which state are road rage more common? 

Aggressive driving or road rages are the most common in Florida where about 145 cases were registered between 2014-1016 as road rage that involves gun firing. Texas comes second with its 126 total cases of aggressive driving. 

What is the average age for aggressive drivers?

It is said that most aggressive drivers are above 30 years. Gender also has a big role in aggressive driving. It is said that most aggressive driving cases happen with men as the suspect. Although there is no gender bias in road rage cases, women are prone to be more safe drivers. 

What percentage of deaths are caused by aggressive drivers? 

Around 65% of deaths are caused by aggressive drivers every year. This means that more than 40,000 deaths happen to aggressive driving.