Vodafone Global Enterprise delivers telecommunications and information technology services to businesses in 150 countries. Vodafone is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index and has its principal listing on the London Stock Exchange. Nasdaq has a secondary listing for the corporation. Vodafone is an acronym for VOice DAta FONE (a spectacular spelling of “phone”), which was selected by the firm to “represent the provision of voice and data services over mobile phones.”

While Vodafone does offer a lot of services for its customers, however, the services differ from continent to continent, in some places Vodafone offers only telecommunication services, in simpler terms only sim cards which enable users to communicate via their phones, while in some places Vodafone do offers phones and appliances, it all depends upon the market and the consumers they are directly targeting to, but did anyone know about the rewards that Vodafone offers to its users and consumers? 

About Vodafone Rewards

Earlier known as Vodafone rewards, it has now been renamed as VeryMe Rewards. The VeryMe Rewards acts as a great customer loyalty program, for example, who would want to leave away the rewards and switch to different telecommunication service providers. In terms of rewards, the users are entitled to get some discount on different products or on their next bill payment, some are entitled to get offers for products or for products purchased via the Vodafone app, and some are rewarded with giveaway offers.

How to access the rewards?

Starting with, one does have to be a registered Vodafone user and must have the Vodafone app installed over their phones. Only after registering over the app, any individual can view their plans, their data packages, their spending over the due course of time, and how they are progressing with the Vodafone rewards, in fact, people can even view their ongoing rewards, how many they have claimed and how many they can claim. The app basically lets the users know more about their profiles over the Vodafone network..

What do we get as rewards? 

The rewards vary from user to user, in fact, some users are also rewarded with free movie tickets, some with food coupons, and some are rewarded with offers on different mediums (who are partnered with Vodafone services). All these rewards enable the company to retain their users, who might be thinking of switching to different telecommunication service providers. 

Vodafone has been trying to improve its services and is planning to bring up a lot of new upcoming services for its users on different continents, in fact, Vodafone is even planning to merge with different telecommunication service providers, to come up with the latest technologies. Vodafone has always been on the side of its users and always aims to improve its services. 

Why are VeryMe Rewards useful for consumers?

The VeryMe Rewards, or known as Vodafone Rewards are quite useful for the consumers, its a customer-centric approach from the Vodafone’s perspective, it can also be stated as a way to retain and in fact, attract the new users who would be willing to shift from one of the telecommunication service providers to another telecommunication service provider. The Rewards can help the consumers maintain their due balance and help them pay bills and make payments, making their lives easier, now who wouldn’t want to have such an application that lets them pay their due bills and even reward them with certain gifts and offers. 

It is also a way to make consumers aware of their dues and eventually increase the downloads of their respective applications.

How to earn VeryMe Rewards?

In order to earn VeryMe Rewards, any individual must make sure that he/she pays their due bills and make payments and recharges via the Vodafone application, and even purchase and take decisions via the Vodafone application. All this will enable the user to earn more and more rewards, which can be easily claimed in the VeryMe Rewards segment in the Vodafone application.

The more payments are made by the user through the Vodafone application, the more rewards he/she is entitled to, and this makes the user use the Vodafone application every time during making payments and recharges.

How and Where to claim the rewards?

The rewards that a user earns can be easily redeemed/claimed via the stores and centres of the respective company/organization of the reward, sometimes there are movie tickets that can be claimed in theatres, sometimes e-commerce website coupons and discount offers, sometimes Vodafone offers and discounts, sometimes food/dine-in/takeaway coupons.

The rewards depend upon the users and their profiles. However, the rewards do expire after non-usage over a certain period of time, so every time anyone recharges/makes payments, he/she should definitely have a look at the VeryMe Rewards section in the Vodafone application, to ensure that they haven’t missed out on any of the previous rewards. 

Reaching the conclusion, the Vodafone Rewards or known as the VeryMe Rewards, is a great way to retain the users of the company and also help them with certain rewards and offers which would eventually make the users/customers loyal to the organization. The VeryMe Rewards can be easily claimed over the online platforms or the respective stores for claiming/redeeming any of the rewards. Every time a user makes payments/recharges over the Vodafone application, he/she is entitled to certain rewards for their due parts.

This method has also been copied by almost all the other telecommunication service providers, however, the rewards vary from different providers and over different continents. While the application enables the users to make sure their profile is duly maintained. The users of the Vodafone application find it quite hard to switch over to different service providers because of such rewards and incentives that the company offers to its users. The VeryMe Rewards keep on changing over due course of time, however, there is a guarantee that every time the user makes payments/ recharges, he/she is definitely entitled to some of the rewards.