A variety was needed

One of the main features of a Space sim is the large array of choices given to the player. This includes the game offering various missions. Upon releasing in Early Access, Void Destroyer 2 had a variety of missions but more were needed.

While missions are a primary source of obtaining money they are also required for other reasons. One of the features of the game is the ability to buy ships that belong to specific factions. One example would be the unique ships of the Bounty Hunters.

In order to be able to buy their ships, you must first increase your reputation with them by completing missions. To begin with, you only have one mission type with the Bounty Hunters and it is not an easy one either. This made it very hard for players to get their hands on the more powerful bounty hunter ships, also making missions extremely repetitive when continuously working for one faction.

More missions more variety

The new missions added into the game include:

Steal cargo pod Combat escort Repair ship Combat scout Defend asteroid field Mining escort Destroy smuggler cache

Some of the missions are similar to those in the game from the beginning. The combat, mining escort, and combat scout missions are similar to the escort and scout missions in the game since release. While the other missions are completely different. They are sure to give players some new adventures into the Void Destroyer 2 universe.

They are also allowing for an easier increase in faction reputation and giving a bit more variety to the gameplay. The new additions bring the total generated missions up to 30. The developer hopes to add another 20 or so for the final release.

What is next?

While announcing the missions update, Iteration 11 also included what is being worked on next. The first of the next three updates is fixing up the Fleet screen in the Overworld. Something that I mentioned needed a bit of work in my preview of the game. This should take about a week.

After that, the developer will be working on Ship capturing. Presumably, this will allow the player to capture enemy ships. The next feature to be worked on after that is Base capture. As to exactly how the capture features will work is currently unknown.

Since the Void Destroyer 2’s release on September 22nd, it is being continuously updated. The new missions are the third update since the Steam Early Access release. Prior to the missions update, the game received a fleet management update and a fuel mechanic update. It appears that the game is going to continue with regular ongoing new features, fixes and mechanics.

What do you want to see updated, added, or fixed in Void Destroyer 2? Let me know in the comments below.