The winning Copy Ability will receive a special Nintendo 3DS theme and a custom wallpaper. The winning Copy Ability will also have a chance of being added to the upcoming Kirby brawler, Kirby Battle Royal, which is set to release in Europe on November 3, and in North America on January 19. 

It’s important to note that some of the Abilities have a red circle in the upper left corner. If an ability that has this wins the poll, they cannot be added to the game. These abilities would either make the player too over powered or were needed for specific game mechanics for the games in which they were used.  

You can vote in the Kirby Copy Ability poll here. 

Which ability did you choose? Are there any Kirby Copy Abilities that are not on the list that you wish were? Let us know in the comments.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more news and information on Kirby Battle Royal as it develops.