Is Surfshark A Good VPN?

Yes, Surfshark VPN is a good VPN. It was ranked the best VPN in 2020 by CNN and is currently ranked second best by CNET.

This is not hard to believe due to their affordable pricing, they also allow unlimited devices to be connected to a single subscription and are very user-friendly.

Pros And Cons Of Using Surfshark.


Unlimited device connectionsStrong security featuresUnblocks most streaming servicesWell designed appGood customer support


Not the fastest when it comes to internet speedHigh monthly price

How Much Is Surfshark VPN?

Surfshark costs $12.95 per month when using a monthly subscription, which is on the high side because the average cost for VPNs is around $10.

While their monthly plan is pricey, they have a more affordable 12 months and 24 months plan. The 24 months plan costs $59.76 for the first 24 months and $96 for every corresponding 12 months and their 12 months plan costs $47.88 for the first 12 months and $96 for every corresponding 12 months.

Are You Getting Your Money’s Worth?

If you ask me, yes. Surfshark has a lot of worthwhile features that make it reasonably priced. Some of these features are:-


Surfshark comes with its ad-blocking browser extension which works on ads and pop-ups on apps and browsers.

This ad-blocker prevents phishing, blocks malicious websites, saves your data, and by preventing ads from loading makes your pages load faster.


Surfshark offers a double VPN service which they call MultiHop. MultiHop works by connecting you to a second server. 

For instance, after connecting to a server somewhere in Canada it then connects to another server somewhere else like Germany.

MultiHop is a way of adding extra security, it is recommended to use it when anonymity is very important as it may affect your internet speed.


Surfshark offers VPN split tunneling which they call Bypasser.

When using VPN split tunneling one can decide which apps should have their connection and which ones should not.

Why use split tunneling? Well, you might want to use it in a case where you have an app that always needs to be encrypted and you want to stream maybe a YouTube video or something like that, but the internet speed is reduced because of the VPN you may want to use split tunneling in that case.

Surfshark is not the only VPN that offers this service, but they go a step further by giving you full control. The split tunneling in surfshark is split into two:-

Bypass is best for when you have more things to encrypt and,The route via, for when you have very few things to encrypt.

 No-Log VPN

Surfshark VPN operates on a strict no-logs policy. This is a system where only information needed to keep your connection running without fault is kept, like your email address, encrypted password, and payment details.

The no-log policy helps in further keeping your data secure because even if local law stops them from refusing the government from checking their data there will still be no problem. This is because there will be no data to get. 

Some Other Services Include:

Camouflage mode makes your service look normal so your internet service provider won’t know you are using VPN.

Surfshark uses AES-256-GCM, military-grade encryption, so you know your data is well secure.

 Surfshark allows you to connect an unlimited amount of devices to a single subscription.

Your Privacy When It Comes To Surfshark.

A Lot of thought, research, and consideration need to be put into deciding what VPN to use because they can easily collect your data and sell it or turn it over to the government. That is why it is advised to read through the company’s privacy policy and its terms and conditions.

Here is a run down of their privacy policy and their terms of conditions.

Firstly, they stress how they do not log personal user data. However, they talk about how they keep anonymized analytical data, and user billing information (just enough to keep one’s connection active).

Surfshark is and has always been an excellent VPN, and they even have a thirty days money-back guarantee so if you try them out and decide within the first thirty days that they are not for you they will pay you back in full.