Free trial of VPS are not very common because of the various spammers and hackers. It is very helpful for those who want to test their hardware performances, administrative tools, and cloud platforms. Some companies provide a money-back guarantee for free trials but for the subscription for a free trial you have to pay a small amount because virtual private servers are a good option in point of security and at that point if your limits of shared hosting have been exceeded.

How it works:

VPS allows anyone to create an account and can use their services but for some limited time. Some companies do not provide a free trial offer, instead of this, they will give a money-back guarantee and some companies ask for your id and credit card identification. During their free trials, the program’s developer can view the server administration across multiple control panels. They do not function as a restricted offer so you can use them to test the full features of your websites.

While trials of VPS, you may face some issues like hardware specifications and a credit card whether required at the time of doing signup. Although there is no payment or credit card during signup.

Below are the companies that offer the trial options:


It is one of the best cloud VPS trials for free. They require you to verify your mail and you need to add your credit card info with some verification charges, after this, you can use the VPS plan or other hosting services.

The duration of the trial is one month. A credit card is required. The configuration of VPS is up to 132GB RAM, 4TB SSD, and 32 vCPU. After the end of the free trial, the price for the plan will depend on the configuration. The free plans bill at 0. 005$ per hour for 1 vCPU configuration and. 06$ per hour for 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM & 100 GB SSD


They are unique service providers as they allow anyone to host a server across five cloud platforms at a low cost. But the period is valid for only 3 days and if you want to get registered you have to contact its verification department.

The duration of the trial is only 3 days. No credit card is required. The configuration of VPS is up to 1-4 GB RAM, 25-80 GB SSD, and 1-2 cores. After the end of the free trial, the price for the plan will be 12$ to 50$ per month. The lowest plan is 12$ with 25 GB SSD and a monthly bandwidth of 1 TB. The highest plan is 50$ they provide 4 GB RAM, 2 vCPUs, 80 GB SSD, and a monthly bandwidth of 4 TB.


This hosting company is designed for single-site optimization of performance in web development. It provides services to the development firm which builds the websites using WordPress. For a free trial, you have to select my client will pay later option while setting up your site. They give you a trial of fourteen days to work.

The duration of the trial is of 14 days. A credit card is required. The configuration of VPS is different for the different agencies. After the end of the free trial, the price for the plan will be 13$ to 242$ per month.


It has a free window VPS plan which includes the installation of servers with the latest .NET frameworks, SQL databases, and PHP. It provides you with the extra feature of firewall and backup services.

The duration of the trial is for one month. No credit card is required. The configuration of VPS is 2 vCPUs, 1 GB RAM, 35 GB SSD storage, and a bandwidth of 500 GB. After the end of the free trial, the price for the plan will be 14. 97$ per month.


The VPS free trial can be helpful for that techie who wants to test the platform for the long term or start their projects on a custom server. For this, you have to pay for hosting services with a money-back guarantee. As VPS hosting provides you with guaranteed resources and all controls. It is best for the heavy-resources, high traffic websites. You can say it is worth considering for your websites. 

Q.1: Is there any alternative to this?

A.1: Yes, in the market an alternative of VPS is present as a Managed VPS. It is also a hosting service that comes with a solution to the problem that comes with VPS hosting like a security risk, and loss in performance.

Q.2: How do I choose a good provider?

A.2: it is dependent on the data center optimization, hardware, cost, and administrative tools. You should also check the required operating system, and control panel utilization.