Are you looking for a place to cash a check at an unusual hour? Or you might not have a bank account, or you are looking for a convenient experience of cashing your check while doing other tasks? Yes, Walmart is the right place to do so. You can cash different checks at Walmart for a small fee. Different limits in Walmart’s check cashing policy, its limits, its verification system, and checks that aren’t cashed here is discussed in this article. During its store hours you can cash your checks at Walmart Customer Service desk. Cashable check type includes: 

Business checks Cashier’s checks Government checks Insurance settlement Checks Payroll checksPre-printed checksTax refund checks Retirement Distribution ChecksMoneyGram money orders Out- of – state checks Two party personal checks 

Walmart usually limits most checks for an amount of $5000 ($7500 during taxation period that is commonly between Jan-April) and the limit for two party personal checks is $200. Customers cashing checks aren’t allowed for three transactions a day (Individual stores may set up a lower limit so you should check your local stores before going with large checks). 


For many pre-printed checks up-to $1000, the fees are limited to $4; for checks more than $1000, the maximum fee is $8, and for two party personal checks, the fee is $6. 


Walmart only allows you to cash a check that is made out to you, and then the store will verify your id before cashing your check, so you must have an authentic Id card with you. At many Walmart stores, your check will be stepped digitally via TeleCheck(A check collecting company). Certegy (Similar), Walmart uses scanning machines to read checks, so make sure that your check is wrinkle, tear, and smudge free near the numbers as it may be denied. Both above mentioned companies use data from your check, that includes routing number, bank account number, and the amount you want to transact along with your valid id to decide whether to deny or accept the check. The decision is taken on account of the information in the verification system and by comparing your check with other checks that have already passed the system. Now, this means that your check can also be denied based on the fact whether you have cashed enough checks for the verification system or not (both companies included) to build a file at your id. 


If, TeleCheck declines your check, Walmart won’t be able to do anything at that time although you will be provided with a receipt which will include TeleCheck’s contact number where you can contact to get further information. On the other hand, if Certegy denies your check, Walmart again can’t do anything, but you can ask for your file from Certegy by phone or mail and if you find anything not accurate about yourself in the file, you can submit a charge against Certegy. 


Walmart being World’s largest retailer is due to the facilities it provides to it customers every year using the innovations. For example: Walmart has recently introduced its Money Card which is a prepaid Visa Debit card which can be used anywhere these Debit cards are accepted? Isn’t this a great service it offers? It also has many other customers care services that makes this World’s leading Grocery Store.

Q1) What Kinds of Checks are being rejected by Walmart?

Ans1) Checks that are not accepted by Walmart includes: 

Handwritten checks (it includes filling and signing the check with hand). Personal checks. Third party checks Starter ChecksSaving bonds checksAltered checks Checks older than 180 days. Expired checksPost Dated Checks Non-Money-Gram money orders Comchecks 

Q2) How to Cash a Check at Walmart?

Ans2) To cash a check at Walmart, it is not necessary for you to purchase, register with the store, and it is also not necessary for you to have a bank account. Just you need to bring a check and bring a valid Id card to your nearest Walmart Customer Service desk. At some stores, you may be asked to submit your security number when cashing a check. Once the whole process done (Cashier approves your Id, allows your check, and you pay the cashing fees) now you have two options to get a refund: Either take it on the spot or recharge your Walmart Money card.