Walmart Giving a Pickup Discount

In this technically advanced world, Walmart has planned and announced to give online shoppers a discount for pickup their products instead of delivery to cope with the competitors. Their offer lies on 3 per cent to 5 percent than their usual price and this service will be considered for around 10000 compatible products only. All these discounts will be valid by June end and they can give more discounts as they can save logistic money from the items. It is easier, and cheaper for them to ship the products in a particular store than to deliver a single product to each household. Walmart’s e-commerce chief Marc Lore came to this conclusion after he sold his start up to Walmart in order to avoid logistics costs and to provide some savings to customers. 

Advantages and disadvantages of pickup discount 

Pickup discounts enhance the popularity of physical stores, and online sales and companies like Walmart are following the right direction supported by their unique infrastructure and strategic options. It is the best solution for both of the parts as customers can easily keep an eye to compare rates, and easy payments and without wasting time they can pick up as fast as possible. Enhances satisfaction as customers don’t have to wait for their product shipment and no more late deliveries can happen. Customers can easily return their product on the spot if that can’t match their expectations. Most importantly, it increases their in-store sales as consumers always look for something new. 

Apart from this, companies have to face some complexity from new decisions. With the same day pickup facility, customers expect their orders to be ready when they arrive. Walmart has many stores in different locations, sometimes customers get confused and visit the wrong locations for their order pickup. As the customers are physically visiting the store for discounts, the stores become crowded and products get out of stock. Some areas are congested and to avoid traffic problems customers look for particular periods. This way the company has to operate and accommodate everyone for the pickup process at once. 

Impact of pickup discount on Walmart business

In the year 2019, Walmart announced this pickup discount policy, this process helps them to cut out the shipping costs and increase their profits, and reputation. Through the calculation of net sales, it can be understood that Walmart is exceptionally growing in recent years. They can easily uphold customer support activities regarding their international operations as their diversity helps them promote brand value. Their stores promote available discounts every season by using various slogans like “everyday low price”, “save money, live better” and more, thus they are increasing their demand and going on a wide path of growth. 


Now we have learnt ‘Walmart Giving a Pickup Discount’. From this entire discussion, it can be concluded that their strategies are not only saving money for people but also giving them a simple, convenient experience for shopping. Offering discounts make their customers feel comfortable and easy to choose for their needs. In recent years, Walmart is known as the number one retailer in the United States for providing benefits to customers economically, and environmentally and creating a positive impact on the globe. They also have a loyal customer base, which is helping them to build consistency and success. After launching this commitment, Walmart also created a better work environment for their workers and influenced their competitive advantage over a period.