Walmart Laptop Return Policy

Walmart accepts the return but follows its return policy. The laptop must get returned within 90 days of purchase and have original packaging. So, the customers must keep the original accessories and bills safe.

Walmart’s Return Policy

Among different items sold on Walmart, laptops are highly purchased, but what if one wants to return the purchased laptop due to any reason. In typical cases, the return policy specifies that any item purchased can be returned within 90 days of purchase, whether online or offline.

However, there remains an exception to the rule of policy, and laptops or desktops come under the exception category. Walmart only accepts the return of laptops or computers purchased within 30 days, whether online or from retail stores. It includes big brands like HP, Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Apple, and Samsung.

Other Requirements

But is this the only condition for returning? No. There are other requirements also which are mentioned below:

Original Packaging 

To return the purchased laptop, the customer, while returning within the specified time limit should also possess the original packaging of the laptop. This is important because it allows Walmart to confirm that the purchase has been made from them as the original packaging has all the information and the barcode helps identify the purchase made. If there is no original packaging then there is no other way to identify that the product is purchased from them.  

Original Accessories

If the purchased laptop has additional accessories with it then at the time of returning the laptop all those accessories need to be returned as well. These accessories can be an additional keyboard, mouse, charging cable, etc. So, one must keep these accessories safe before returning the laptop or computer.  


The bill is unnecessary when returning your purchased laptop but can make the returning procedure easy. It is so because, without the bill, it is difficult to show the purchasing date of the product unless it got purchased via debit card or credit card, or Paypal.

If returning without the receipt, the refund is not given directly but instead in the form of store credit that one wants to avoid due to the large amount paid during the purchase. However, it is observed that usually, people want an expected refund. So if you want an average refund, keep your bill safe with you.

Return Policy For Additional Accessories

Mostly all the accessories of the laptop purchased come under the returning period of 90 days. However, if you have purchased a few additional electronic items while purchasing your laptop they may fall under the 30-day return policy.

Some of such items are-

  1. Computer Hardware

  2. All printers except the 3D printers, and

  3. Tablets

As discussed above accessories like keyboards, mouse, charging cables, drives, etc fall under the normal 90-day span return policy.

Return Policy During Holidays

During the holidays, there is a slight change in the return policy for laptops. In the holiday months of November and December, Walmart changed its standard 30-day return policy and extended the time limit for returns. In addition, it provides additional ten days to return the laptops purchased during holiday time. But other than this, all other requirements remain the same.


The conclusion if put in simpler words means that the purchased laptop from Walmart be it of any brand can be returned if the customer wishes to only if the return policy is followed.

The return policy for laptops specifies a time boundation of returning within 30 days of purchase with its original packaging, original additional accessories, and receipt as it was provided.

What is the time limit for returning the laptop? 

It is within 30 days of purchase.

What is the standard return policy?

It is within 90 days of purchase.

Can the laptop be returned without the original packaging?

No, original packaging is a must.

Do you always get the amount to return in the form of store credits?

No, the amount is also returned directly.