To get a full refund, you have 30 days to return any electronic item you have purchased from Walmart along with its receipt and original packing. You may usually return the electronic product without the receipt but, you may not get the refund but instead you will be provided store credits. Some items are known as unusual by Walmart when going for the refund, for example: pre-paid cell phones must be returned by 14 days of the purchase and 30 days policy is not valid. For further information about electronic purchases refund policy of Walmart you should read the complete article. As per the regular policy of Walmart, it allows you to return your online/in-store purchases within 30 days of purchase with original packaging and receipts to get a total refund. However, a customer’s representative said that return time is completely under the control of the outlet manager. After researching in many outlets of Walmart (In Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, and Vergina included) we concluded that the basic return policies apply to many of its outlets throughout the USA. As discussed earlier in case you have lost the receipt or don’t have a receipt at the time of your refund Walmart uses a refund verification process for no-receipt returns. You will be given store credits in this case, but you must have the original manufacturer packaging with you. Store workers still check by scanning whether it is purchased from Walmart or not. Although, stores are open 24/7 but the return accept timings may vary depending on the outlet managers.

Electronics Eligible for Return within 30 Days:

3D printers/scanners and 3D printing productsActivity trackersAudio SystemsComputers and LaptopsComputer Hardware and SoftwareCamcorders and Digital camerasDronesDigital Music playersScooters and Electrical bicyclesGPS unitsHoverboardsPost-paid cell phonesPrintersPortable Video playersSmartwatchesRadio-controlled vehiclesTablets, e-tablets, and e-readersTelevisionsVideo game Hardware

Electronic Return Exceptions:

The items below are not eligible to be considered in Walmart’s Return Policy:

Cell phone minutes or any other object with an electronic PIN. Digital Video game cardsNew or personal opened intimate massagersFor Pre-paid cellphones return policy is valid for only 14 days of purchase.


Electronic objects that can be returned are also available for exchange (As per the exchange policy of Walmart) for the same period applied for returns. But you won’t be able to return media items once they are unboxed and they can be exchanged only so be careful that you have made a right purchase. When going for an exchange of the different item instead of the same one, you must make sure that the original item you are to return must be followed through the standard process (Discussed above) and then make a complete payment for the new item you want. If the exchange is uneven, you will have to pay the remaining balance of the new item or get a refund for the price difference you are having.  

Warranty Returns:

If you have purchased warranty for the item, you now want to return, or if you want to cancel the warranty you must do this within 30 days of the purchase to receive a full refund. If not done within 30 days, you may get a divided refund as per the remaining policy standards. If you are to return an online order, or want to cancel the order your protecting plan will be cancelled automatically and if you replace the item within 30 days of purchase, the protection plan will be transferred towards the new item. However, if the item is replaced after 30 days, you will have to request for the protection plan on Walmart’s official web or call out their customer service by dialing at (800) 925-678 

Recalled Electronic Returns:

If your purchase from Walmart is recalled, you may not need the receipt anymore neither all parts nor the original packaging to return the object. Rules vary for the outlets so you may contact your nearest Walmart outlet to collect more information. 


Walmart being World’s largest retailer is due to the facilities it provides to it customers every year using the innovations. For example: Walmart has recently introduced its Money Card which is a prepaid Visa Debit card which can be used anywhere these Debit cards are accepted? Isn’t this a great service it offers? It also has many other customers care services that makes this World’s leading Grocery Store.