Walmart urges people to be nice and respectful to each other on the platforms, and not to use obscene language. The laws always need to be adhered to, and people should focus on their problems instead of giving long explanations. As a Walmart executive, the same rules apply to him/her too and the executives need to convey the doubts to the concerned departments.

For the users on the social media channels:

Walmart urges their followers on Facebook and Instagram to adhere to the following rules:

Using real accounts:

One should always use their real accounts when communicating with the Walmart team. This helps the latter to understand that this is not simply a troll or a nuisance on the internet and that they need to look into the matter as soon as possible.

Follow the laws:

This is extremely important. One always needs to abide by the laws of cybersecurity and also, the laws of the state in which he/she is living in. Anything illegal can result in their accounts getting banned forever, and they may even be charged.

Be respectful on the platforms:

It is necessary that one maintains decent behavior while communicating with the executives at Walmart. One should not use any cuss words and inappropriate gestures during conversations. Such behavior would not be tolerated by the company and may result in a lifetime ban.

It is also explicitly mentioned on the company website that Walmart reserves the exclusive right to remove any content from their social media handles that do not follow the above guidelines. 

Guidelines for Walmart executives on Social Media:

The company also lays down a number of guidelines for the executives who are to respond to the messages on the platforms. They include:

Act by the rule book:

A person is strictly forbidden from sharing any sensitive information about the company or disclosing any figures on social media. Walmart suggests all of its executives go through the “Walmart Information Policy”, before any interaction on the platforms.

Report the matter to the concerned team:

At a company like Walmart, there are separate teams dedicated to each of the services. It is the duty of the executive to relay the information to the concerned departments.

Be polite:

An executive can never lose his/her cool at any period of time. It is extremely important that they maintain a calm demeanor throughout and behave with the consumers in a polite way.


In this article, we have taken a look at the social media guidelines laid down by Walmart. We can infer that the policy makers at Walmart Inc. strive towards the creation of an environment where the consumers and executives can both benefit from an active discussion on social media channels. Customers are encouraged to join these online channels and share their valuable feedback online, which would help the executives to gauge the performance of the company.

We took a look at some of the most asked questions on the web about Walmart and its social media policies. In this section, we have compiled some of the most relevant questions along with the appropriate answers.

Question. How many points can cause termination of a job at Walmart?

Walmart gives points to its employees in any situation where they are found to be wanting. If someone has worked for the company for a minimum time period of 6 months, they can get up to 5 points before being terminated by the company. Else, i.e., if they work for less than 6 months, they would get the termination later on an accumulation of 4 points only.

Question. Are Walmart employees allowed to date each other?

Employees at similar positions can date each other. However, it is not allowed if someone at Walmart is found to be dating their superior at the company. This might bring in complaints of favoritism among the other employees. If someone is found to be dating his/her superior without the knowledge of the company, both the persons can be immediately sacked by the company.