Tweet Nintendo Japan released earlier today, along with the English translation

We have high expectations for some updates on Fire Emblem If since it will be released in Japan on June 25th, 2015. Other than that, there have not been any spoilers on specifics, but since when have Nintendo surprises ever been a bad thing?

There have been no updates on similar upcoming Nintendo Directs for North America or Europe but keep your ears open for any upcoming buzz. Keep in mind, Nintendo will have its E3 segment on June 16th, 2015!

It’ll definitely be interesting to see what Nintendo has in store for Japan and see how it differs for the US.

Here’s where you can watch it when the stream goes live!

Want to get an inside peak on summer Nintendo releases in Japan    Fire Emblem - 28Want to get an inside peak on summer Nintendo releases in Japan    Fire Emblem - 70