In this guide, I’ll recommend the best upgrades and gadgets to unlock in Watch Dogs: Legion. After spending dozens of hours with the game, here’s what I learned.
Best Gadgets and Upgrades to Unlock in Watch Dogs: Legion
AR Cloak
The very first thing you should unlock in Watch Dogs: Legion is the AR Cloak. With it, your ability to access hard-to-reach areas is made immensely easier.
With the touch of a button, the AR Cloak makes you totally invisible to the naked eye for several seconds. Subsequent enhancements make it last much longer if you’re standing still or moving slowly. Some upgrades even make it so you can perform one-hit stealth takedowns from greater distances.
Infiltrator Spiderbot
There are two types of Spiderbots in Watch Dogs: Legion, one for stealth and one for combat. While it’s wise to get both eventually, it’s important to grab the Infiltrator early to crawl through vents and sneak into areas where a full-bodied human just wouldn’t make it into.
One of the enhancements even grants you sprint and double-jump abilities, which makes several Tech Point locations much easier to complete, given the game’s often open-ended world design.
Deep Profiler
Even though it’s third on this list, we made an entirely separate guide for the Deep Profiler tech in Watch Dogs: Legion because it behaves more like a ticket to the best parts of the game. But it’s not just fun, it’s vital.
With the Deep Profiler, you can learn all the private details of any person in the game. With that information, you can recruit them to your cause, even if they’re initially opposed, because they may work for the bad guys.
It’s a fascinating tool that will make your team bigger and more diverse in a hurry.
Disrupt Hack
At any point in the game, you can use the Distract tech built into your phone to have a person get lost in their smartphone, giving you the chance to sneak by. However, the Disrupt Hack lets you bypass enemies on alert. It is sort of like Distract 2.0.
With Disrupt Hack, even enemies who are homing in on your location ready to fight or shoot you will suddenly receive a jolt of annoying feedback in their ears, causing them to lose their focus for a moment.
This lets you go in for the takedown move instead of risking a one-on-one fight that could result in permadeath. Disrupt combined with the AR Cloak is the go-to move for wannabe Sam Fishers in London.
Riot Drone Hack
There are multiple types of drones and drone hacks to utilize in Watch Dogs: Legion. But it’s the Riot Drones you’ll want to get rid of early, and you can do that with the Riot Drone Hack. With this drone hack, you can deactivate them for a short time, but it’s time enough to get the heck out of the area and avoid arrest.
Chase drones pose some threat given their speed, but they’re quite easy to debilitate with a few shots from your taser gun, while the most intimidating Counter-Terrorism, or CT, drones pack the fiercest punch of all but will be pretty rare for a while. So grab this hack early and make Watch Dogs: Legion a bit easier by removing Riot drones from the equation.
There you have it. Those are the best upgrades and gadgets to unlock early in Watch Dogs: Legion. Stick around for more tips on Ubisoft’s latest open-world title, and be sure bookmark our WDL guides hub for easy access to more help and walkthroughs.