No matter the reason, you’re most likely walking out with a $124 dollar ticket that, likely, you won’t be able to ‘successfully’ contest. Face it. But the officers are also very real people. Behind their cold exteriors fronts a normal, everyday person.
As we stood waiting for our coffee in the Dogpatch, perfect timing struck and an off-duty MUNI officer waltz’ right in. To protect his identity and to also keep his anonymity, we will refer to the officer as “A.” We approached A as a MUNI rider who had a few questions about the job, ticket system, and rider encounters—but we also offered to pay for their coffee & lunch if they answered a few questions. Please note that this transaction was written sloppy down in our notebooks. So enjoy:
BC: If you don’t mind me asking, do you like your job and why?
A: I love my job, it’s training me to later go into the police force. I get to meet a lot of community and people. It’s quite rewarding.
BC: Do you ever feel that this job is a waste of time?
A: No—again, the people make it worth it.
BC: What is the most interesting encounter you’ve had with a rider.
A: Maybe not most interesting but one time a group of asian girls barreled through me to get out of a ticket.
BC: That actually leads me into my next question: does paying ‘your fare share’ do anything?
A: I can’t comment on that.
BC: What are your hopes and dream?
A: I want to serve my community, I’m SF born-and-raised in the Sunset and my dad was a MUNI operator. He’s since retired and he would have so many stories when he came home from work every night. I aspire to be him.
BC: What got you into this line of work?
A: You know, it seemed like the right fit. I had been working in private security but you’re pretty chained down to one location and building for most of the day so getting to be a Municipal officer allows me to kind of go around the city.
BC: I assume it comes with the territory?
A: What do you mean?
BC: I mean, people must hate you for what you do?
A: Look, man… I’m just doing my job and if someone really want to evade a two-dollar-and-75-cent fare to then get a ticket that could be upwards of $129 dollars, that’s their choice.
BC: So why are tickets so expensive?
A: Essentially, It helps to deter people from wanting to evade again and gets them starting to pay their fare share.
BC: What if someone gives you a fake name and address? Do they still have to pay.
A: I can’t comment on that either.
BC: Last question before you have to head off—how can I tell when a MUNI officer is going to be at a stop?
A: You can’t ever tell. Hahaha.
BC: Jeez, thanks… haha.
// Photography courtesy of the National Association of Transit City Officials