So, let’s have a look at ways and tips for people saving money on their wedding,

Wedding Money Saving Tips

Make a list of your guests: 

Sometimes, people don’t make a list of their guests as they are so occupied with other stuff like decorations, wedding dress etc . And because they do not have a list, they end up ordering food without a list and they end up  wasting a lot of food and end up breaking their budget.

Spend money wisely:

 In marriages, what you often see is that to show off to people, some people end up buying stuff going beyond their capacity, even, they do not bargain to protect their so-called self-respect. But ultimately, these things do not matter. A thing does not necessarily have to be good because it is expensive. People should go to the market and compare the prices of things that they do not have any idea about. Things have to be beautiful and meaningful rather than expensive.

Get married in mid-week:

 If you are going to get married, it would be beneficial for you to get married in midweek, try to get married any day except the weekend, especially Saturday. If you do that, then you can save a lot of money, because on weekends all the resorts are supposed to be full, and that’s why charges are slightly higher compared to any other day. Your travel cost would also be slightly lower.


 You can save some money by choosing the right place. If you are planning to get married at a resort or any other place, then try to select a beautiful place that does not need too much decorating. If your ceremony and reception would happen at the same place then you wouldn’t have to spend money on two other places.

In marriages, you  welcome people by sending them an invitation card. If you think the number of cards will be a lot, at that time, you can print your invitation cards in your home, in that way you will have options what kind of cards you want to print and the cost would be slightly lower.

Hourly based photographer: 

Sometimes, the bride and groom choose photographers on a  per day when they actually need them for a few hours. And because they have a full day to shoot photos, they end up working only for a few hours. Instead of that, they can charge them an hourly rate, and that way  whatever the time the photographer will be with them, the bride and groom should use each hour by shooting photos.

Be smart while choosing your wedding dress:

 When it comes to getting married then people often end up buying expensive dresses, but if you think wisely then, you are going to wear that dress only one time, and if you use something for just one time there is  no need to spend a lot of money on that one thing. Instead, you can take your favorite dress for rent for a day or two. In that way, you wouldn’t have to spend a lot of money and you would get a chance to wear your favorite dress. Interesting right!

Reuse of chairs:

 If you do not want to spend money on unnecessary things, you can reuse your ceremony chairs at your reception. In that way, you wouldn’t have to spend money on chairs in your reception.  

So, there are a couple of tips to saving money on wedding, so if you are trying to budget out your marriage expenses then you can try a couple of them. People do have a lot of expectations from their marriages and that is normal, and that’s why it is important to save because it usually takes a huge amount of capital. So, if someone can reduce his or her wedding expenses by creating the right budget, by following some of the tips that you have read in this article, then you will also be able to save a lot of money and the tips you have read here are not noticeable by the guests as well. Then why not try!